WF01 Project


A Sport Prototype car with a monocoque chassis built in composites, “soaked with air”, with rigidity characteristics, weight and aerodynamic efficiency unseen so far in this category. The chassis philosophy is more similar to LMP car than Sport Prototype Car class.

This project was born, at the start of 2009, from a desire of Client’s team to create a sport car completely from carbon fibres (and, of course, compatible with competition regulations). Such car should satisfy precise FIA-CN2 competition rules. The deadline of the project was targeted at the end of July 2009, in order to enable subsequent manufacturing and homologation phases, and eventual racetrack testing by the end of November 2009.

Consequently, NOVA was challenged both with the project complexity and constricted deadline, and should engage all its experience gained in aerospace and automotive fields, to set out this highly specific engineering project. WF01 (project designation, official name will be unveiled at car’s presentation) is an example of how management capabilities on one side and knowledge of technical-science on the other create a winning combination when driven by passion and creative impulse.

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